Tuesday 14 February 2017

Concealed Carry Loophole - Survival Life

Product Name: Concealed Carry Loophole - Survival Life


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Description: Learn How To Legally Concealed Carry In 28 States From An Ex-cia Agent.


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Last Will And Testament Forms

Product Name: Last Will And Testament Forms


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Description: Online Last Will And Testament Forms And Other Estate Planning Documents Including Living Wills, Revocable Living Trusts And Trust Agreements.


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Sunday 12 February 2017

Muscle Building Guidebook

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Alive After Amerika


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VSSL | Jim Wolfe's Confidence Formula


Product Name: VSSL | Jim Wolfe"s Confidence Formula


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Did you know that feeling good about yourself in a real way consistently despite your imperfections and shortcomings is a skill you can learn?

And that you can do it without turning into an arrogant jerk, pretending not to care, or ignoring all the ways you could improve?

In fact, according to a University of Wisconsin study, you actually improve MORE when you focus more on what you"re doing right. So don"t worry about that.

And that most people NEVER learn this critical skill no matter how "successful" or "saintly" they are?

And did you know that this high internal value is one of the 4 male qualities that women find irresistible?

While learning this skill clearly benefits you every single day of your life, it also has a huge positive impact on everyone around you.

The problem is that basing your self-worth on "success" or anything else external to you instead of learning this skill is not a winning strategy because it will never be enough.

While true confidence makes you more successful, success doesn"t necessarily make you more self-assured.

In fact, lots of celebrities, wealthy people, men who seem to be successful with women but can"t keep them around very long, and even so-called "gurus" lack the most basic foundation of genuine confidence...

...in other words, they appear "successful" to the world but still don"t like themselves very much.

Maybe you can relate...I was the exact same way before I learned what I"m about to share with you today.

So if you struggle with this stuff, you"re definitely not alone.

The sad fact is that most people struggle with this no matter what it looks like on the outside.

And why don"t these amazing people see their own value?

Because they"re trying to EARN it when that"s actually impossible.

See, achievements, new levels of fame, pay increases, and buying nice things can make you feel good about yourself for a while, but like any drug, the feeling fades away quickly and then you need more just to feel normal.

And if you have deep regrets over your past decisions and actions, they can weigh you down for years even though you can"t change the past and this kind of regret can actually prevent you from growing and correcting your past mistakes so you don"t repeat them in the future.

Shame over a perceived "character flaw" can destroy your self-worth and tries to tell you that you are fundamentally unworthy as a person...

...Maybe someone did something to you or something happened to you and you interpreted it as a message that you"re not worthy of respect.

...Maybe someone BLAMED you for something and you internalized it.

...Maybe someone told you that you were a certain way a long time ago and you just kept believing them instead of telling your own more accurate story.

Do You Have a "Dislike Button" in Your Head?

Sometimes pain from past social rejection can create a "self-fulfilling prophecy loop" of more rejection and more pain:

You expect or suspect that you"ll be rejected, so you express that expectation through your body language, the other person picks up on it and gets uncomfortable, they "reject" you because they don"t feel comfortable, then you feel "rejected" again and confirm your beliefs about yourself.

Most of the time, we hold ourselves back.

And if you don"t like yourself very much because of the way you look, you can"t change your genes (...at least not yet).

However, you can get fit, have corrective surgeries, wear clothes that make you look better, etc. and bathing in self-judgment prevents you from taking control of these things that you can change.

Yet, even when you do those things, you"ll never look perfect.

The fact of the matter is that no matter what you do, you"ll never be perfect. So, if you feel the need to be perfect, you"ll never ever feel like you"re good enough.

You"ll never meet that impossible standard.

And, if your standard is merely to be "the best" in order to feel good about yourself, someone better than you in one way or another will always come along at some point and then you"ll fall right back down into the dark pit of miserable self-loathing.

Comparison Leads to More Self-Loathing

You might even end up putting other people down, judging them harshly, or gossiping about them just to feel a little better about yourself - and then regret it later and feel even worse abut yourself.

And if you have to feel like you"re "better" than other people to feel good about yourself, you can only feel comfortable around people you think are worse than you, meaning that...

...the women you truly desire, the people with the best business opportunities for you, and the people who can help you grow the most as a man will always be out of your reach.

You"re stuck right where you are.

And if you don"t think you deserve to feel good about yourself for one reason or another, people will avoid you and hold back their validation from you to match your own self-appraisal, leaving you struggling for any source of feeling good you can find every day of your life.

External Validation Hamster Wheel

Some turn to food...or alcohol...or drugs...or sex...or "working hard"...or sports...or achievements...or whatever. There are a million ways to numb the pain instead of solving the root cause.

Yet, the fact of the matter is that you deserve to feel good about yourself just as much as anyone else.

Yes, even if you"ve done "X" and "X" and "X," you have "X" and "X" and "X," or you think you"re an "X" and "X" and "X."

Nobody has ever done enough or behaved well enough to "earn it" in human history.

That"s why unconditional self-acceptance is the foundation of ultimate success, happiness, fulfillment, and treating everyone better than you have. And if you"re worried that it will lead you to becoming arrogant or make you lazy; it won"t.

You"ll actually value other people MORE than you do now and experience MORE success.

We"ll talk about why in a minute...

However, if you don"t have this foundation in place, people around you suffer; not just you.

So the key is to accept yourself exactly as you are right now in this moment while you ALSO continue to strive and grow.

Because the truth is that genuine self-worth cannot be earned; you can only give it to yourself.

That"s why it"s called self-worth.

The best part is that you can validate yourself as much as you want any time you want for any reason you want or for no reason at all.

And that"s the only way to feel good about yourself consistently because everything else is subject to the changing whims of the external world.

And, ironically, you actually achieve MORE when you have a solid foundation of self-worth because you stop self-sabotaging yourself when your validation as a person isn"t on the line anymore.

You go higher and accomplish more.

And you feel good every step of the way instead of suffering and struggling for a few drops of external validation here and there.

You"re kinder to everyone you care about and even those you don"t. You never feel the need to judge anyone harshly.

People want to be around you more because you have more to share and they know they won"t be judged.

Women are more attracted to you and stay attracted to you longer.

And it takes less energy to be with you because nobody ever feels the need to try to make you feel better about yourself...

...Which means even more opportunities come your way in addition to how much better you feel inside every single day.

So how do you feel good about yourself in a real way without turning into a cocky, arrogant jerk?

What"s the secret to being confident without being cocky?

Comparison-free self-validation.

See, if, like most people, you"re worried about becoming "cocky" or "arrogant" if you start liking yourself more, you"re just assuming that valuing yourself more means valuing other people less.

However, once you stop comparing yourself to others, you can start thinking that you"re as awesome as you want without putting anyone else down or competing with them.

In fact, your new level of self-belief and real confidence will LIFT THEM UP too.

You"re not better or worse than anyone else; you"re just awesome. That"s the ultimate attitude we want to develop.

The truth is that there"s actually an infinite amount of value in the world, so claiming as much as you want for yourself doesn"t take ANY away from anyone else.

You don"t have to compete for it anymore.

From this day forward you just give it to yourself and share it with the world.

Now you can relax, be who you really are deep down, and live the life you really want to live because you don"t NEED approval from other people.

That"s not fake confidence; it"s a whole new way of life.

And, when your cup is overflowing and you don"t need as much external validation, you have so much more you can share with the world.

Your real value in the real world goes up.

It"s the best thing for everyone; not just you.

So how do you ACTUALLY start validating yourself in a real way without lying to yourself?

That"s what we cover inside The Validation Switch Program:

*This program is NOT a cure for anxiety caused by traumatic experiences.

Imagine feeling genuinely good about yourself regardless of your current circumstances...

...When you finish The Validation Switch program, you know exactly what it means to live through that deeply secure frame at all times, exactly how to do it, and exactly how it looks when you interact with the world around you.

Most importantly, you feel genuinely good about yourself in a real way.

Even if you feel pretty confident already, this program has benefits.

What"s amazing is that living through a secure frame makes success in every area of your life easier.

It"s ironic because you NEED external success less, but you get MORE.

People want to be around you and sometimes even want to give you things or do things for you.

You"re much more resilient to obstacles along your path.

You feel internally strong.

For me, it was something I had NEVER experienced before in my life.

My name is Jim Wolfe and I probably should have been truly confident all my life.

I"ve always enjoyed public speaking, which most people fear more than death...

I"ve never really had a problem meeting people or talking to women. In fact, I was paid to meet people for a living before I ever learned what I"m sharing with you today.

I was a straight-A student growing up, a member of student government in college, president of my fraternity, and pretty good at sports.

I"m not a bad-looking guy.

A few years ago, I had the perfect job for me and was with the woman I wanted to be with.

You could even say I was confident in many areas of my life.

And yet, deep down, something was always MISSING.

At the time, I had no idea what it was, but it got so bad and so painful that I finally decided I would do whatever it takes to figure it out and see if I could fix it.

I even got a master"s degree related to my search for a solution.

Thanks to that long, difficult process I found out what I was missing.

It"s painful to admit, but I discovered that I lacked the most basic foundation, the CORE, of genuine confidence.

Some people call what I was missing self-worth, self-esteem, or self-love.

Call it whatever you want.

The point is that no matter what I did I never felt GOOD ENOUGH.

The most beautiful, awesome woman I know has the same problem.

I can tell that almost every celebrity, sports star, politician, and everyone else we tend to look up to suffers from it even if it appears that they don"t.

I see this problem everywhere I go and every time I look at social media.

So again, if you struggle with it too, you"re definitely not alone.

And today"s society doesn"t make it easy.

It was incredibly difficult for me to get to this point, yet now, thanks to everything we cover in detail inside The Validation Switch program, I don"t feel like anything is missing...

...For the first time in my life.

I truly feel like I"m good enough exactly as I am right now, imperfections and all. I"m able to be a good man on my own terms and it feels amazing to be so internally strong.

I"m much less affected by both positive and negative comments from other people (unless I care about them, trust them, and can benefit from their perspective).

When I make a mistake, I react better and learn from it faster because I don"t throw a huge "shame bomb" about my general personality into the situation anymore.

I don"t expect myself to be perfect, so I"m able to try more things and accomplish more under pressure.

I worry less about what anyone thinks about me.

And I want all of that for you too.

So now that I figured out exactly what I was missing and built my own genuine confidence from the "ground" up, I want to share what I learned with you in a format that makes your path shorter and easier.

When I first learned what I"m about to share with you inside The Validation Switch program, it was like a "switch" was flipped inside my mind.

It"s a totally new way of looking at the world and everything you do.

It"s a completely different lifestyle.

One you can start living right now...

It’s so rare to find a truly secure person that your presence provides a good example for others, perhaps the first example of real confidence they’ve ever experienced.

Your family and friends start to admire you and look to you for strength and guidance.

People want to be around you more.

And remember that for some reason, women tend to prize genuine confidence above everything else.

Imagine what it would be like if:

WARNING: This is not some kind of "magic pill..." There"s no such thing. You have to TAKE ACTION and apply what we cover in your real life to experience the full effect.

However, we have made it as easy as possible for you.

This program is my top-level offering about the foundation of real, lasting confidence that gives you the freedom to be the person you were meant to be.

It"s at the very core of my mission to help 100,000 men live their ideal life with their ideal women.

The mindset shift you"re about to experience and learning how to apply it in specific situations has been literally priceless to me in my life.

But I won’t charge you even half that much.

Because I want you to be able to take action and make this investment in yourself. And because, when you do, it also helps me make the impact in the world that I want to make as I work to complete my mission.

And of course, The Validation Switch  comes with my iron-clad 60-day guarantee:

Try The Validation Switch system for a full 60 days risk-free.

If you don’t feel an immediate and unwavering shift in how you feel about yourself, if you don’t start experiencing life differently, or if you’re not satisfied in any way, please ask for a refund and we will honor your request no questions asked. And, we’ll remain friends.

I stand behind this program 110% and I care about your RESULTS.

You’ve seen what some of my top clients have said and my iron-clad guarantee. And, when you order, it"s totally secure.

So there"s nothing holding you back.

Join us inside The Validation Switch and start living like the truly confident man you really are deep down right now. You"ll never look back.

See you on the inside! =)

Contact us at: JimWolfeHelpDesk@gmail.com

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Copyright 2016 - Jim Wolfe - All Rights Reserved


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General, Public Speaking, Self-Esteem, SELF-HELP, Success
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Running Nutrition, Strength and Injury Prevention


Product Name: Running Nutrition, Strength and Injury Prevention


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All you need to know about

- Nutrition
- Weight Loss
- Strength Training
- Injury Prevention

Get It Now
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What to include in your diet, when to eat it, how to cook it.

8 week plan to shed the extra weight without affecting your performance.

Tired of cramps? Follow our simple post-running stretch guide to get rid of them.

Be stronger! Train with or without weights to a stronger core, torso, arms and legs.

1 in 3 runners gets injured in their first 3 years of running. Learn how to catch injuries early or avoid them altogether!

In case of any questions you can count on our assistance. If you are in trouble we"re here to help!

Complete guide to running nutrition

Strenght training program for runners

How to avoid (and recover from) the most common running injuries

Whether you are just started running or you are training to compete, your nutrition is a key component of your success.

There is more to proper nutrition than simply restricting calories.

This guide will teach you how to eat to shed excess weight, but also to properly fuel your training and maximizing your recovery.

Complete overview of running nutrition and how it affects running performance.

Understand how much you really need, when to eat it to achieve your running goals

Tailored to 3 different athletes: runners who run to lose weight, runners who want to improve their performance and competitive athletes

How to self-assess your starting point and go after your goals

Different example meal plans for runner trying to lose weight, get lean or improve their athletic potential.

Understand how to eat enough to fuel your training and maximize recovery

If you truly want to become a good runner, it is time to move away from solely focusing on training runs and instead incorporate strength training – whether at the gym or in your home using free weight workouts to boost your running performance as well as minimize the risk of injuries.

The goal is not bulk up with muscle; instead, we want to develop your strength in a more balanced and comprehensive way so you eliminate your weak areas and allow all of the essential parts to work together in sync.

A printable, easy to follow 8 week program that touches all the muscle groups you need to develop in 3 weekly workouts of 20 minutes each.

Two different workout plans: one for runners with access to a gym with weights, one with bodyweight exercises that can be executed from anywhere!

Each exercise is illustrated and explained clearly. Movement by movement, what to do and what to be careful not to.

Scientific research has shown that about 60-65% of the runners are injured during a year owing to the risks associated with running like training errors, racing speed, running surface, body weight and several others.

These can all be addressed with the right injury response strategy.

Developed by Dr. Asad - MD, this guide will help you avoid, recognize and treat many of the injuries that plague runners. And let you know when you should see your doctor

Divided by body part, a list of symptoms for you to understand what is hurting you, how it was most likely caused and if you need to see a doctor.

Dr. Asad will teach you how to manage your injuries, either by yourself or with the help of a professional.

Don"t let a set back take longer than in takes, but also don"t rush getting back on the road if you are not ready

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Running, SPORTS, Training
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Nice Guys With An Edge


Product Name: Nice Guys With An Edge


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You know that because you’ve been told a million times. “Oh you’re so sweet.” “You’re too kind.” Any of this ring a bell? I mean, if being seen as the “good buddy” to a dozen women was an Olympic sport you’d be a triple time gold medal winner right? You’re a nice guy. You open door. Your offer your seat. But you never get fucked.

It’s right though isn’t it. You’re a boss when it comes to feelings and walking your “girls as friends” to the bus stop at night. But getting in her panties? That moment you slip her bra off and see her rack for the first time? That’s a distant dream.

Why can’t you make that “leap”? You see tons of really dumb ass guys with hot ass women and think “Damn I could treat her better than him. Probably fuck her better too.” I bet you’ve sat for hours wondering what’s wrong with you. Admit it. You’ve sat at lunch time and watched the hoards of guys and girls going about their lives and thought “What about me?”

Yep you heard it right. Women never respect a guy who isn’t willing to get in their game. And no self-respect? Means no panties off for you! You know that old chestnut “Treat them mean keep them keen”? Well I don’t recommend it. But striking a poised balance between being “too nice” and “mean” is exactly what you need to do.

And I am about to show you how. Buckle up buttercup. The next 2 minutes will change your life.

The names Manny and I used to be just like you. I grew up in the same street, saw the same girls, had the same fantasies. Yeah I “knew” women. I was good friends with some hot girls. Even got a couple of them into bed (all be it for a cuddle). But getting them into bed for sex? Not a chance. I was too nice. Too “friend zone”. Too likable.
I wasn’t a guy girls looked at and thought “Damn I’d love to fuck him.” I was more inclined to get that 3am call when a girl got dumped by her REAL boyfriend.

You’re such a good friend to me Manny. I’d hate to lose what we have.” Roll the credits, and the fucking crying on my shoulder and the endless tales of asshole men. And how “different” I was. So there I am, arm around a hot piece of ass doing the whole “There there, it’ll all work out.” routine. Meanwhile my dick is throbbing, her perfume is making me crazy and I can see down her shirt. Big juicy tits. All nicely tucked up. And that’s where they’ll stay. Fuck!

Any time I got a sniff of a relationship with a high school girl BOOM!!

I tried to be the guy everyone could trust and relate to. Even though it meant I was putting my own needs on the back burner. I even had thoughts. Those little thoughts that pop into your head like “Wonder what she’d do if I just grabbed her tits?”. Those thoughts became BRAIN CRACK. Brilliant little fantasises that I could go home and jerk off to. Meanwhile the assholes are fucking the girls I just spent 2 hours consoling.

It was a roller-coaster. A fucked up, screwed down, mental hell. My body wanted women. My mind wanted to keep people happy.

I ended up meeting this beautiful girl in College and we actually hit it off. I thought finally I was going to use my penis! The first time I kissed her in front of my friends at a party, my face was literally glowing. I felt that I was in love and nothing could stop me! Unfortunately, I was the non-sexual emotional rebound.

We were in college together, saw each other constantly, cuddled, slept on the same bed, and my god every night I had such a boner…but would always fear to take charge and lead as a man. I remember lying down next to her in bed and she said — “Manny, you are the perfect guy, I want to break up!” and that shocked me. I went from being the “perfect” boyfriend to being put in the friend zone without getting laid!

So I created Nice Guy With An Edge to STOP you guys going through what I went through. It took months of research and development. If you tried it yourself…. hell… you’d be in an old folks home before you got laid. But I did it! All the hard work has been done.

I went through hell and came out with this. Nice Guys With An Edge. The step by step psychological blueprint.

The COMPLETE digital audio guide to dragging your stupid weak ass out of the friend zone. And making girls take notice.

You know what? It’s fine to be a girls friend when you’re IN the relationship. But starting out that way will end in you being relegated to the “nice guy” pile.

Before getting this product, I was suffering from low self-esteem and confidence, especially with women. In my desperate attempts to seek approval from women, I became a weak beta male who allowed others to determine the way I felt about myself. The slightest positive or negative response from a woman would determine whether I was up on cloud nine or down at rock bottom. Women, sensing this weakness and vulnerability, would invariably put me in the friend zone. But thanks to Manny’s “Nice Guys With an Edge”, I am now in greater control over my emotional state. I’ve learned to achieve emotional balance, and as a result, I’m now able to determine MY OWN VALUE as a man. Women now see a more confident and self-assured man – Manny helped me to bring out this “Edge,” and it’s paying dividends!”

“Hey Manny,
I finished Nice Guys With An Edge and I just wanna tell you how blown away I am with your program and with how much it has helped me.
I’m not gonna lie, at first I was skeptical, I’ve tried a few different products to help me improve my romantic life, and they have not brought me anything more than a few dead end phone numbers, so other than the recommendations of my buddy, I did not know what to expect out of your program.
Boy was I in for a surprise. I’m extremely thankful for what you are teaching here, as it has improved my game WAY above what I could’ve ever expected.”

Talking about price. How much would you expect to pay for this? I mean you are about to have great sex in a matter of days just by purchasing this course. What is sex with a hot girl worth to you?

But you know what? It’s completely shitty to price people out of the market. EVERY guy that suffers from nice guy syndrome needs this product.

I really got a kick out of producing this product. I mean why wouldn’t I? It allows me to help thousands of guys get over the “friend zone” bullshit. And it changed my life. But here’s the thing. I don’t want this out there for too long.

And you know what? It’s a ZERO risk purchase. No really. If you’re not completely happy with this product and you don’t get a girl in 60 days. You can have your damn money back. To be honest you’ll need it. To drown your sorrows. This is fool proof and fail proof. You cannot and will not fail. I won’t allow you to.

As a special gift, to help you on your way, I am giving away my Approach Anxiety Cure. It’s a special system that will increase your probability of successful approach when talking to women in public.

“I’m going to share a simple structured model I created with you right now for FREE. There are 3 different levels of Approach Anxiety:

HIGH ANXIETY –when you have so much anxiety, where you can’t even ask a stranger for directions or the time.

MEDIUM ANXIETY – you can approach strangers or women, but you still have anxiety and cannot hold a conversation.

COMFORTABLE ANXIETY – the minimal anxiety that you want to feel when you approach with the ability to hold a conversation.”

You can even use the Edge System in order to identify what level of Anxiety you would be at when approaching women or strangers. With applying the model, this will bring you down to Comfortable Anxiety, which is where you want to be at.

If anything I have said above rings a bell. And you feel like my advice would change your life (I know it would but YOU have to feel it too) then let’s go for it. Buy this and let’s get started on getting you what you deserve.
But don’t dick around waiting for God to intervene on this one. Like I said this offer is going soon. If you enjoy nights on your own and waking up to Tori Lane playing on loop then fine. Leave. But if you’re serious. And god knows you SHOULD be fucking serious about getting a hot girl in your life. Then click the big button.

You know how they say a house is built on solid foundations? Guess what? So is a personality.
And if you get the foundation wrong then EVERYTHING else you learn will crumble in on top of you.

Now having too much or too little of any of these will slay your chances at getting laid. Seriously, it’s like building a house on uneven ground. This free bonus will show you how to dig out the foundations and cement a good solid base. And from there on out the skies the limit.

The four basic pillars of the sexually attractive male are:

This audio guide is the missing piece in your personality puzzle.

P.S – Beautiful women are born every second. Twenty years ago some lady had a little girl and right now, she’s out there. Waiting to be found. You owe it to yourself and to her. Find out where you’re going wrong. Fix it. Go get her. She’s waiting.

P.P.S – Jaws 2 is a terrible movie. Seriously. Just get a woman instead.

Manny Blake is a pen name to protect the author’s privacy.

This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old.

Email Address- Contact US: MannyBlake@niceguyswithanedge.com

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